Kappa Alpha Psi: commited to service in the public interest.
With more than 700 alumni and collegiate chapters in the United States and across the world, Kappa Alpha Psi is recognized as a major contributor to the advancement of the communities in which we serve. One of the five major objectives of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. is to “Promote Service in the Public Interest”. Each of the alumni chapters and charitable foundations hosting Kappa Takeover ’22 has a long, distinguished history of service to their communities.
Bowie - Mitchellville Diamond Foundation, Inc.
Founded in October 2003, the Bowie/Mitchellville (MD) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated has been a positive influence on the citizens of the Bowie/Mitchellville community. Drawing inspiration from our 10 Founders, we continue to focus on being positive role models for young African-Americans as well as providing them with the tools they need to succeed in today's complex society. We are focused on “Making A Noticeable Difference In The Communities We Serve”. The Bowie/ Mitchellville (MD) Diamond, Inc. (Foundation) is a nonprofit charitable entity that has been granted tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service as a Section 501(c) 3 organization in the State of Maryland. The Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the Bowie/Mitchellville (MD) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated.
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Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation of Metropolitan Baltimore
Established in 1995, the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation of Metropolitan Baltimore is dedicated to empowering young individuals, with a focus on Black men, across Baltimore. Our aim is to bolster the philanthropic endeavors of the Baltimore Alumni Chapter, fostering positive change for communities, families, and individuals in need throughout the Baltimore Metropolitan area. Our mission is to ignite the potential of Baltimore's youth while enhancing the well-being of distressed communities through initiatives centered on community service, youth development, and charitable contributions.
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Kappa Community Development Foundation, Inc.
Kappa Community Development Foundation, Inc. is a Maryland non-profit corporation, registered Maryland charity and 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Founded in 2006, the charitable mission of the Kappa Community Development Foundation is to raise money to fund programs and initiatives designed to assist DMV-area families in need and provide young people with the guidance and resources they need to succeed.

For more information about KCDF or to donate, please visit www.kappacommunity.org
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Kappa Foundation of Fort Washington, Inc.
The Kappa Foundation of Fort Washington, Inc. (KFFW) was incorporated in the State of Maryland on April 5, 2012. We are an unpaid group of volunteers dedicated to changing the lives of our area youth. We are a public 501 c-3 Charitable Organization.
Created under the guidance of our 1st President and Chairman, David McElveen. Our Foundation was created on the premise derived from Luke 12:48 “To whom much is given, much will be required”. If we have been blessed with talents, wealth, knowledge, time and the like, it is expected that we benefit others.
The primary mission of KFFW is to provide scholarships and other support for minority male high school and college students. KFFW has awarded over $70,000 in scholarships to local high school and college students. In 2022, KFFW awarded over $17,000 in academic scholarships and grants to high school and college students. In 2021, we participated in a pilot program with Prince George’s Community College where we sponsored a scholarship for a KFFW Scholar, which covered the tuition for the full 2021 – 2022 academic year as part of the Diverse Male Student Initiative (DMSI) program.
The Founding Board Members were: Arthur R. Bryant, David P. Baker, Dr. David J. Billings, Vincent A. Davis, Charles A. Gilbert, Michael J. Hancock, David McElveen, Samuel Terry, & Victor Watson.
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Metropolitan Kappa Youth Foundation, Inc.
The Metropolitan Kappa Youth Foundation, Inc. exists as the philanthropic arm of the Silver Spring (MD) Alumni Chapter of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. The Foundation was incorporated July 23, 1999 and granted its 501(C)3 status on May 30, 2000.
The Foundation is a full-functioning non-profit, public benefit charitable foundation. The Metropolitan Kappa Youth Foundation, Inc. was formulated and conceived as an outgrowth of Silver Spring Alumni Chapter’s Guide Right Program. The Foundation is in Montgomery County, Maryland.
Metropolitan Kappa Youth Foundation, Inc.’s mission is to provide scholarships and mentoring programs for minority and disadvantaged youth in the Metropolitan Washington, DC area. The Foundation supports and conducts activities with the implicit purpose of helping youth “Achieve.” Our activities include scholarships, mentoring, and an urban golf initiative. The goals are to develop leadership skills, personal enhancement and career achievement.
The Metropolitan Kappa Youth Foundation, Inc. depends upon donations to operate and fulfill its mission. Through an alliance with our communities and corporate sponsors, the Foundation succeeds.
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Charitable Foundation of the Washington (DC) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
- Provide financial support to Washington Alumni Chapter’s Guide Right Program and the other educational, mentoring or role model programs of the Chapter;
- Encourage the support of the ongoing educational, social and community service activities and programs of the Undergraduate Chapters at the Colleges and Universities in the District of Columbia;
- Promote and support charitable, community activities and other endeavors to address the less fortunate and/or disadvantaged;
- Solicit funds from individuals, corporations and other non-profit organizations for specific projects, to meet general needs and/or to establish an endowment;
- Identify innovative charitable programs and concepts for implementation by the Washington (DC) Alumni Chapter;
- Identification and acquisition of equipment, facilities or programs where special attention may be desired;
- Educate of the community at large regarding health care issues that disproportionately affect men of color; and
- Identify and encourage other participation in charitable activities as we deem essential to improving the broader community at large within the District of Columbia, Suburban Maryland and Northern Virginia.